Thursday 27 September 2007

Cool Travel Guide mentiones Beijing Notebook

Lara Dunston is a travel writer who has authored 20 guidebooks for Lonely Planet and DK, and myriad stories for glossies & papers around the globe, including National Geographic Traveler, The Independent, Lifestyle+Travel, Paperplane and USA Today. She travels and writes with her partner Terry. They have been living out of suitcases since 21 months now. Lara recently began her Cool Travel Guide blog where she writes about the places, people and things she thinks are cool and does not write about in the guidebooks.

She came across my blog via My Marrakesh and we have been emailing a bit about our travel and writing experiences. Last week she posted about me and my two blogs. Thank you for the mentioning, Lara. I will follow your travel journal and see all the cool things and links you will come up next with.


Diane Dehler said...

What a cool thing! Congratulations. Sorry, that I have been out of circulation this summer. Tonight is what we call, "Harvest Moon" and looking forward to a night of moon gazing.

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

Yes, Lara is a great addition to the travel writing community!

Hope you are well:-)


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