Tuesday, 24 June 2008

100 Best Travel Journal Blogs

Beijing Notebook, along with 99 other blogs, was voted as one of "100 Best Travel Journal Blogs" by TravelHacker.

Thank you! I feel honored to belong to such an interesting community of travel blogs.

I was informed about the result over a month ago. But as blogspot was blocked here in China for a long time and even the proxy servers couldn't help everyday, I could not post about it.

The more glad I am to see some traffic from TravelHacker's list.
For free virtual travel fun surf the list.


Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Congrats for making the list... I haven't been to visit for a while... but it is nice to see what you have been up to... well, take care...

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your nomination. That is a cool honor to have. Were you in Beijing during the Olympics? I ran across a new travel site I think you might like it, baraaza.com. Check it out.

west4east said...

I wonder if you had your blog posted on a separate URL, would that let you see your blog?

I think this site has an option where you can "host" your blog elsewhere, on another domain, right? If that is the case, I would think about it. It would allow me to keep the blog up and running and up-to-date while in China.


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