Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Chinese Wallpaper

I discovered the beauty of Chinese wall'paper'. They are mostly hand painted on silk and very expensive. As the Chinese are good in copying everything, I went to the home decorating markets to look for the same beauty on normal paper for affordable prices. But I found only some less interesting prints on vinyl paper. So far. I still have that idea of having a room decorated in Chinese Style or a bathroom or guest toilet covered with Chinese Wallpaper.

Here are some pretty wall decorations - above and below hand painted on silk, available via Lehman & Qian in Shanghai and Karolina Lehman in Beijing.

The last three pictures I found via Wallpaper and digital murals on Flickr.


Maryam in Marrakesh said...

Oh lovely...! You can guess why I like them!

- Susan - said...

I guess you like the first one with the peacock best?


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