Friday, 22 February 2008

Beijing: Expat Interview

A while ago I was asked by Lizza from Expat Interviews if I would agree to answer an email questionnaire for a website she has created with her friend Victor. It features interviews with expats in various countries. The objective is to give readers a glimpse into what it's like to live in a certain country, as told by an expat who already lives there.

So in case you plan to move to China or even to Beijing my interview about my "Creative Experiences" in Beijing and more might be helpful.

And if you are living abroad, why not tell others about your experiences through Expat Interviews?


Tricia said...

i read your interview. very interesting. i've always been fascinated with living in china. your comments were very insightful.

julia said...

The interview was a good read and I got those web links. I visited there for 2 weeks six years ago I didn't know what to expect! Do you have any idea if there's any short term work there for a woman with a recent uni education, some computer skills but in her sixties, monolingual! I'm at, if you have any opionions, please!


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