Sunday, 16 December 2007

Beijing: Mysterious Wrapping

Can you guess what's behind the wrapping?

And now? What's your guess?

The solution of the enigma:

Oh Tannenbaum !!

Chinese love trees. They built houses and walls around trees instead of chopping them. And now, in winter, they give them a winter coat to protect them from the cold winds that come down from Mongolia... Actually, the winds can be very cold, ice cold and sharp like knifes.

I can't remember that I have seen tree wrapping in the last two winters. New is also wrapping robes around stems:

But I saw bush wrappings and hedge wrappings like this before:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, that is such a facinating concept of wrapping the trees.
imagine, respect and genuine caring for nature.
buon natale!


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