Wednesday, 4 July 2007

If you're going to Beijing ...

If you're going to Beijing, make sure to visit Busintss Hootel...

... and charming dentist, english full of process

... feel hungry?

After some not so amusing posts I want to see some smiles. 'Chinglish' is English made in China. I do not want to criticise, my English might be funny as well from time to time, I am not a native speaker. But smiling is healthy, right?

There are still some amusing signs around in Beijing. However, there is an office that is in charge to eliminate all badly translated signs before the Olympics.

The first picture is from Xiaming who has a good collection of Chinglish signs here. The other photos are from flickr as well - more Chinglish at flickr here.


Maryam in Marrakesh said...

I love this. I adore funny signs in English and take pictures of them, too!

Christie said...

very funny, I visited Beijing about 5 years ago & loved spotting the funny english translations. My husband & I (+2 kids) are contemplating making Beijing our temp home for a while too... any tips?

- Susan - said...

Hi Christie,
Beijing is an international city, no problem for young families. If you have questions email me.

Tips Of All Sorts said...

The pictures make me smile! Sometimes I do spot a few misspellings on translated product labels too. :-)

hayumbone said...

Hiya. My parents have lived in BJ for 11 years now. On my most recent visit, I snapped a photo of the Intestinal and Anal Hospital -- which my mom told me had been "renamed" to something more decorous a few months later, all in the name of Olympics prep.

(I love the Creation Gallery too, especially because it's one of the places my mom frequently goes to find beauty in the city.)


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