Sunday, 25 October 2009

Beijing City Guide by Design*Sponge

Maybe you already know design*sponge, a daily website dedicated to home and product design run by writer Grace Bonney. This extremely successful blog also has a growing collection of city guides, that are compiled with the help of readers. Design*Sponge city guide to Beijing is quiet a complete list of things to do & see in this fast changing city.

Like many others which are planning a trip to Beijing the authors of this city guide came across my blog. They liked the "great beijing home/decor shopping list from beijing notebook" and included a link to this blog.
Thanks for the mention !

I can recommend to check out this new online city guide as it is compiled just recently, in August 2009 and includes all the new stuff - and the old stuff that has not vanished.

1 comment:

SUGARON said...

Hello, I had luck to find your wonderful blog about Beijing! I live in Spain and will move to Beijing in August, I am a painter and I am eager to study Chinese Painting and calligraphy seriously. Do you have any suggestion? My mail is


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