Saturday, 13 December 2008

Time for Books: Chinese Style and Novels

Christmas time is also reading time. I love to have a good book inbetween the years. Books are the best Christmas gift after all.
Therefore I have chosen a selection of books that all have to do with China.

My selection of books about China style, living and Feng Shui:

My selection of Chinese novels:

If you click on a book you can get more info via amazon. If you order a book (any book) after having followed this link, you help to sponsor this blog. Thanks! xie xie !

* my blogroll on the right also has some books, especially guides about Beijing that are good reads ! * at the bottom of my blog you will find the carousels in a larger size *


Diane Dehler said...

For some reason I can't view the books in your post although the ones in the sidebar show perfectly. The one of courtyards looks inviting.

- Susan - said...

Hello Princess,

to have the wide book carousels fit to the post column I changed their size. (It shows up on my screen.)

If you still cannot see the books: please go to the bottom of my blog (last post on the main page), here you will find the original size of the carousels and you should be able to see the books. Hopefully.

Merry Christmas!


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