Monday 19 July 2010

Back in Asia

After we have left Beijing, we have been living for 2 years in Germany (to be precise: 2 years and 2 weeks). Now we are back in Asia. This time Bangkok. It is a bit like moving back home, because we have lived already 5 years in Bangkok before (1998 - 2003) - but that was without our son.

He misses Beijing and we still have many friends in Beijing that we really want to visit. Now, from Bangkok it is "only" a 5 hour flight to Beijing.

Since we have announced that we are going to live in Bangkok again, all our friends from Beijing (and not only from Beijing) have promised to visit us in Thailand.

I hope to keep this blog alive by writing soon again something new. Hopefully about a trip to China!
Stay with me and this blog!
Thanks, xie xie


PS: BTW I have startet a blog about moving to Bangkok (so far it is in German). But from now on, I will translate the posts into English as well. You can find it here:


Unknown said...

na schon leingelebt?

Gruß aus der Heimat


lara dunston said...

Oh, you're in Bangkok?!?! One of my favorite cities! And you have a new blog? I will be heading there to check it out now. Do come and visit us over at Grantourismo some time I don't have time to maintain my poor little Cool Travel Guide at the moment. Are you still writing on your other blogs? I'll go and see now. Hope you're well!

- Susan - said...

Hi Lara,

my new Bangkok blog is written in German, however there is a translate button. The link is in the post.

I follow you on FB.... have a good time,


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