It is getting cooler in Beijing. Snow is expected over night. Winter time is tea time.
Not only.
I found this interesting article below in China Daily that I want to share. It is about picking the right tea:
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*Different teas in different seasons
As the Chinese saying goes, "Green tea is for summer, black tea is for winter and oolong tea works all year around", people choose different teas for the various seasons.
Spring is the season for flower teas, which can lift the spirit from drowsiness. Winter is a season for black tea whose hot nature helps protect the body against winter chills.
Summer is a season for green tea. The cooling nature of this tea can counter summer heat, boost the heart and eliminate toxins. For those who prefer icy cold drinks and those who have a weak stomach, oolong tea is recommended over green tea. Barley tea is also a nice choice in summer as it can eliminate pigment residues on the skin.
Autumn is a dry season so it's good to pick qingcha tea, which is between black and green tea. Qingcha tea includes oolong and Tieguanyin, which can boost the secretion of saliva, improve the lungs and moisturize the skin.
*Different teas at different times of the day
In the morning Green tea: Rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, green tea can eliminate free radicals in the body and secrete anti-pressure hormones.
In the afternoon Chrysanthemum tea: It enhances the function of the liver and relieves the eyes. When combined with medlar or honey, chrysanthemum tea helps counter depression and anxiety.
In the evening Medlar tea: It's rich in Beta-Carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin C, calcium and iron, as well as enhances the liver and kidney functions.
When working overtime Cassia seed tea: It’s good for the brain, liver, tendons and bones, as well as eyes. And if you suffer from constipation, have of a cup cassia seed tea after dinner. It's guaranteed to be effective.
After a big meal Pu'er tea: Most teas boost the metabolism of fat, and Pu'er it is the leader in this area. There are some beneficial elements in the tea to help burn the fat reserves in the stomach.
*Different teas for different people
Office workers: Chrysanthemum tea and green tea
Sport lovers: Oolong tea and black tea
Those averse to sports: Green tea and flower teas
Those exposed to heavy air pollution: Green tea
Smokers and drinkers: Green tea
Meat lovers: Oolong tea
Those suffering constipation: Honey tea
Those wanting to lose fat: Oolong tea, Pu'er tea and green tea
Those with a weak spleen and stomach: Oolong tea and flower teas
Those hoping for longevity: Oolong tea and black tea
Source: China Daily
photo 1) gayane teapot by kenzo, 2) via China Daily
Drinking tea is heavenly! interesting post,thanks.
Hi Suzie,
I love tea and drink it all of the time. According to folklore chrysanthemum tea has special and magical properties. I wonder what tea would be best for a ghost poet? :) The modern teapot is very pretty.
Thank you. This information is great!
I love your blog- thanks. It's been a while since I've been in Beijing, but I always thought it was an interesting city and it's nice to 'keep up'. I
As you know I recently posted and tea myself as a tea lover. I also Love teapots and houseware. Great post on the Chinese philosophy tea. Thanks for sharing!
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