About two years ago I started my first blog, this blog, Beijing Notebook, and I am happy and proud that it is still alive. And even when I am not updating regularly I get enough hits and comments that make me think of my next post. I want to thank all my readers and wish you a happy New Year 2009!
I will be back with new posts in 2009. Although I am not living in Beijing anymore, I still have so many subjects that belong here to this blog. You might know that I have a second blog, Palazzo Pizzo, that I started exactly today two years ago. In the beginning I have thought about how to combine these two blogs in one. But now I am glad that I kept them separated. These two blogs are about two different subjects and play on two different continents. In the beginning I was a bit disappointed to see that on Palazzo Pizzo I only need to post a nice picture to get hits and comments and I could write nice posts on this blog and get no feed back at all. But after two years of Beijing Notebook I can earn the fruits of my work: even with no regular updates I get visitors as some posts are always interesting to read. And my aim for 2009 is to continue to deliver interesting posts, even more then before.
I am greeting all my readers with this ink wash painting by Lin Tianxing who is represented at Creation Gallery in Beijing. The title of this art work is "Sound of winds" and part of his fourth exihibition on the Tibetan subject. I have choosen this work because the composition and the title makes me think that we should pay more attention to the little beauties life and nature offer us.
Happy (western) New Year !